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Lynette Macfarlan
ECE项目主管 & 主要教授
电子邮件: 林内特.macfarlan

年轻女学生. 幼儿教育图形文学学士学位.


澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 幼儿教育文学学士学位 is a 120-credit hour, non-licensure degree program focused on working with children from birth through age five. This program is designed to prepare students to assume teaching and/or leadership positions in licensed childcare and preschools programs, 启智计划, 非公立学校设置, 以及支持幼儿教育的机构. Note: This program does not offer licensure for teaching positions in the public-school system.

的 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education offers an innovative, research-based curriculum which aligns with the NAEYC Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators. This program will prepare potential Early Childhood Education teachers and administrators for the diverse academic, 社会, 以及孩子学习的情感环境, 成长, 和发展. 基于背景中不断变化的范式转换, 实践, 和行为, the following emphasis areas will be blended into an eclectic and highly innovative program. 1)婴儿 & 幼儿教育, 2) Early Childhood Education 3) Special Education including Behavioral Interventions, 3)英语语言习得与发展. 的 幼儿教育文学学士学位 assessment plan will be updated, 至少, annually and reviewed after the first year of implementation and every five years per college policy for program review.


的 mission of the teacher education program of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 is to provide a distinctive early childhood, 小学, 二次, 以及内华达州农村地区的特殊教育项目.

教师教育计划旨在培养能力, 值, 技能, and knowledge to promote lifelong learning and is distinctive in the following ways:

  • 我们承认并重视本地区遗产和传统的多样性;
  • We collaborate with licensed community-based early childhood programs and rural school districts to offer high-quality field experiences supported by mentors and coaches in the field of early childhood education;
  • We utilize the professional expertise and contributions of faculty and staff in all academic disciplines; and,
  • We utilize technology for distance education and the online delivery of all required courses.


It is highly recommended that students who are interested in pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education seek advisement early in their academic program to ensure efficient advancement through the program. 的 course of study in Early Childhood Education involves the proper sequencing of courses within the program. All students are encouraged to schedule appointments with their assigned advisors on a regular basis. 课程学位要求可能会改变. Call the Office of Advising to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor, 775-327-2068.


在满足指定的先决条件后, 学生必须正式申请进入早教课程. Students will contact the Early Childhood Education Department to receive a copy of the most current 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Early Childhood Education Program Admission Handbook. 在申请早期儿童教育项目之前, 学生必须成功完成以下内容:

  • 幼儿教育计划入学申请表.
  • 联邦调查局背景调查ECE 493监督实习.
  • Completion of ENG 102 and one college level math course with a grade of C or higher and the completion of 24 credits in ECE/HDFS program required courses with a 2.平均成绩5分或以上. Technology and ECE/HDFS courses must have been completed within the last eight years.
  • Official transcripts from previous colleges sent to 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载’s admissions and records office.


的 teacher education committee (TEC) will admit students to the BA in Early Childhood Education program each semester. 入学是在竞争的基础上. When there are more qualified applicants than there are available spaces in the program, 资格最高的将优先考虑. 满足最低申请标准并不能保证被录取. Those students who meet or exceed the minimum criteria but who are not admitted may reapply in future semesters.


Fingerprint cards must be submitted for background checks prior to enrolling in the first field experience class. 采集指纹是收费的.


在获准参加这个项目之后, students will adhere to the rules of the current Early Childhood Education program handbook. Students who have been admitted to the Early Childhood Education program must maintain their status as students in good standing in order to graduate.


  • 保持累积2.澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载的平均绩点是5分.
  • 所有高年级HDFS/ECE课程不低于C.
  • 保持道德和专业的行为标准.
  • 在现场工作和投资组合开发中获得满意的评估.

完成低年级ECE课程的学生, HDFS, and general education courses may also apply to graduate with an Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Education.


西北高校委员会 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载(NWCCU).

Redmond, WA 98052 USA,第165大道8060号 (205) 525-9848


Lynette Macfarlan
ECE项目主管 & 主要教授
电子邮件: 林内特.macfarlan@raynoldsnarh.net



澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 想成为你接受高等教育的首选. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 offers associate and baccalaureate level instruction in career and technical education and academic areas. 大约4,000 students are enrolled annually online from across the country and on campuses and centers across 86,500平方英里, 两个时区, 以及内华达州十个最大的县. 我们与亚利桑那州、俄勒冈州、爱达荷州、犹他州和加利福尼亚州接壤. 我们是澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载!

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